Shape of Time


「The 9th Resident Artists at Seoul Art Space GEUMCHEON in 2017」招聘作家/
展覧会「It grows in a way that no one has ever noticed」参加作品

展覧会:2018.6.20-26(Seoul Art Space GEUMCHEON /韓国)

もうここにはないダンス公演の空気感や気配を立ち上げるインスタレーション作品。ダンス公演に参加した観客のインタビュー(証言)を用いり、当時の気配を想像し、追体験を試みることのできる展示。 観客は半透明な紙を手で触れることで、文字が浮かびあがる。

TOKIKATACHI では、ダンス公演の当時の気配や空気感をどうやって、その会場にいなかった第三者に伝え
るか、を探っている。そのうちの1つが、 ダンス公演を展示に変換するという試み。

Shape  of  Time 
(Produced by Dance Company TOKIKATACHI  “TOKIKATACHI Dance Document Project” ) 
(Please touch these papers gently or softly. )  

 A work which attempts to produce the feeling of atmosphere and air of the dance performance that doesn’t exist any more. TOKIKATACHI’s project is trying to seek how to convey the feelings of air and atmosphere 
to a third party who was not present when the production was on. One of the attempts is to convert dance performance to an exhibition. In this work, it will demonstrate the space that people can feel or imagine what kind of performance it was from interviews (testimonies) of the audiences who were involved in the performance. 

Shape of Time
(Produced by Dance Company TOKIKATACHI “TOKIKATACHI Dance Document Project”)
 (조심히 종이를 만지며 감상해보세요.) 

이제는 이곳에 존재하지 않는 지난 공연의 분위기나 느낌을 연출합니다.   TOKIKATACHI 에서는 댄스 공연 당시 분위기나 느낌을 어떻게 그 공연장에 있지 않았던 제3 자에게 전할 수 있는지를 모색하고 있습니다. (TOKIKATACHI Dance Document Project)  그 중 하나가 “댄스 공연”을 “전시”로 변환하는 시도입니다.  이 작품은 댄스 공연에 참여한 관객의 인터뷰(증언)를 활용하여 어떤 공연이었는지를 상상하거나 체감할 수 있는 전시입니다.